國立清華大學藝術與設計學系 Department of Arts & Design NTHU

//Soft:Doc VI影研會

Ho Tzu Nyen :
The Nameless & The Name

// 放映導演|何子彥 Ho Tzu Nyen
// 主持人|林欣怡 國立清華大學藝術與設計學系 副教授
// 放映影片|《無名》(The Nameless )、《名》(The Name)
// 時間|2024/06/20(四)18:00 – 20:00
// 地點|國立清華大學圖書館3樓.紅氣球團體聆賞室
// 詳細活動頁面|https://technoart.nthu.edu.tw/sensorylab/?p=30772


1976 年生,生活與工作於新加坡。


個展曾舉辦於東京都現代美術館(2024)、新加坡美術館(2023)、漢默博物館(2022)、豐田市美術館(2021)、Crow亞洲藝術博物館(2021)、日本山口藝術及媒體中心(2021)、 Edith-Russ Haus媒體藝術中心 (2019)、漢堡美術館(2018)、上海明當代美術館 [ McaM ](2018)、橫濱表演藝術論壇(2018)、香港亞洲藝術文獻庫(2017)、畢爾包古根漢美術館(2015)、東京森美術館(2012)、The Substation(新加坡,2003)等。曾代表新加坡參加第 54 屆威尼斯雙年展(2011 年)。

Born in 1976 in Singapore, where he lives and works.

Steeped in numerous Eastern and Western cultural references ranging from art history to theatre and from cinema to music to philosophy, Ho Tzu Nyen’s works blend mythical narratives and historical facts to mobilise different understandings of history, its writing and its transmission. The central theme of his œuvre is a long-term investigation of the plurality of cultural identities in Southeast Asia, a region so multifaceted in terms of its languages, religions, cultures and influences that it is impossible to reduce it to a simple geographical area or some fundamental historical base. This observation as to the history of this region of the world is reflected in his pieces which weave together different regimes of knowledge, narratives and representations. From documentary research to fantasy, his work combines archival images, animation and film in installations that are often immersive and theatrical.

One-person exhibitions of his work have been held at the Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo (2024), Singapore Art Museum (2023), Hammer Museum (2022), Toyota Municipal Museum of Art (2021), Crow Museum of Asian Arts (2021), Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media [YCAM](2021), Edith-Russ Haus for Media Art (Oldenburg, 2019), Kunstverein in Hamburg (2018), Ming Contemporary Art Museum [McaM] (Shanghai, 2018), Asia Art Archive (2017), Guggenheim Bilbao (2015), Mori Art Museum, (2012), The Substation (Singapore, 2003). He represented the Singapore Pavilion at the 54th Venice Biennale (2011).


Ho Tzu Nyen © The Name, Single Channel HD projection, Surround Sound, 16 min 51 sec, 2015
Ho Tzu Nyen © The Nameless, Synchronized double channel HD projection on 2 sides of a screen, with scrim wall separation, double 5.1 soundsystems, 21 min 51 sec, 2015

2015 | 16’51” | 英語 | 單頻道 HD 錄像 | 環繞音效

作家吉恩.Z.漢拉罕(Gene Z. Hanrahan)1954年在美國出版了《馬來亞的共產主義鬥爭》一書,此書內容有關殖民時期馬來半島共產主義鬥爭,資訊量之大令人難以置信。然而漢拉罕後續兩本著作:一本關於中國游擊戰術的書以及一本有關海明威作品的《狂野歲月》,使人對他作為真實作者的身份產生了懷疑。何子彥因此對這位神祕作家漢拉罕產生興趣,花費多年收集並研究大量有關的資料。

《名》剪接大量西方電影而成的影像蒙太奇,以浪漫而狂熱的方式,將寫作描繪為一個創造性且痛苦的過程。透過神秘作家吉恩·Z·漢拉罕(Gene Z. Hanrahan)對馬來西亞史學產生影響的歷史,提出作者身份和原創性概念的不穩定性。

資料來源:Ho Tzu Nyen: The Namekiangmalingue.com


2015 | 21’51” | 越南語 (英語字幕)| HD video | 作品由藝術家及香港愛德華·馬凌畫廊提供

《無名》聚焦於馬來亞共產黨二戰期間的總書記萊特(Lai Teck),馬來西日戰時期(1941–1945)他同時作為英國、法國和日本的三重間諜,萊特也只是他已知的50個化名其中之一。


資料來源:Art Basel

主辦單位|國立清華大學感官實驗室 Sensory Lab NTHU