國立清華大學藝術與設計學系 Department of Arts & Design NTHU



主持|林欣怡 清大藝設系副教授
日期 | 2023/10/23(一) 15:30-17:20pm
地點 | 國立清華大學藝設系館一樓8102教室

圖片© 吳燦政提供




Wu Tsan-Cheng was born in Yunlin, Taiwan in 1973. He graduated from the Department of Fine Arts, National Taiwan Normal University, and the Graduate Institute of Plastic Arts, Tainan National University of the Arts. Wu’s work reveals an unending experimentation of the relationship between image and sound. His first sound installation was Nightingale. For him, symbols and messages can be embedded in sounds to generate powerful forces that trigger physical perception and emotional connection, unfolding rich, hidden layers in sounds. For example, in N+Syn, Wu used an early night-vision camera to film and capture from a low angle the rustling sound as he traversed an area of grass, evoking the memory of physical perception of touching grass and creating a contrast between the rough visuality and hi-definition images made possible by technology nowadays. Wu then projected the video on the ceiling; when audiences lowered their heads after feeling tired from looking up, sounds “naturally” replaced vision and became the dominant element at the moment. Putting an emphasis on bodily perception in his work, Wu said, “visual image can always catch our eyes and guide our attention to a certain direction; on the other hand, you must walk into and through sounds. When you enter an environment, your body will subtly change the surrounding sounds, and those sounds will go through your body as well.” With this concept in mind, Wu has opened up a different dimension in discussing image, sound, soundscape and perception in contemporary aesthetics and culture.

2009年萌生製作《臺灣聲音地圖》的構想,以十年的時間足跡遍及臺灣各地,實地集錄聲音並整合Google Maps地圖定位功能,完整呈現聲音的內容在時空變化過程中的差異與現象。近年仍持續此計畫,透過聲音地圖及其映射,讓觀者在聲音體驗中思考自身與生活環境的關係。

In 2009, Wu conceived the idea of Taiwan SoundMap Project, and planned to spend a decade to visit numerous locations in Taiwan to record and collect sounds. The project has also been integrated with the positioning function of Google Maps to fully represent the variations and phenomena in audio content in the changing time and space. The artist has been working on this project; and through his sound maps and what they have reflected, audiences are encouraged to contemplate on the relationship between their lives and the living environment in the sound experience.


2012‭ ‬國立台南藝術大學造形藝術研究所畢業(修業證明)
1996 國立台灣師範大學美術學系畢業

2003‭ ‬ ‭ ‬紐約ISCP國際藝術工作室駐村
2003 ‭ ‬變奏降E大調三重奏-音樂.裝置與空間的劇場-空間裝置設計,淡水殼牌倉庫
2002 ‭ ‬第一屆台灣地區視聽工業會-空間概念規劃,台北辛亥路
1995 ‭ ‬寶島新聲TNT電台節目主持,藝術黑白講

2021《十年 》,台北市立美術館,台北
2018《你在哪裡 還在路上》,大未來林舍畫廊,台北
2016《恥 – 吳燦政個展》,非常廟藝文空間,台北
2013《台灣聲音地圖計劃》,tamtamART TAIPEI‭ .‬IPIX‭ ‬藝術空間,台北

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