國立清華大學藝術與設計學系 Department of Arts & Design NTHU



展出日期:2022年4月18日至5月3日展出時間:週一至週日9:00~17:00開幕時間:2022年4月23日 上午10:30 


展出時間:2022年6月6日至6月17日展出時間:週一至週日10:00~17:00開幕時間:2022年6月9日 中午12:10



「一番」在日語中意指「最好的、最棒的」。最初由日本模型公司發起的抽獎活動「一番賞」,給予參加者抽抽有獎的保證。從多樣的角色故事激起靈感與好奇;兒時的卡通動漫拼湊童年的共同圖譜、成為我們歡樂的關鍵色彩。在一番賞裡的各式逸品中,不論正派反派、故事吉祥物或配角,皆能滿足不同的我們。從一番賞中體會摸索無標準答案的未知,追尋各樣複雜心情緒;參與抽獎無非是獲得獎品,更成為慰藉心靈及社交話題,闡述共同語言的手段。以童年時的抽獎概念作為譬喻,我們希望在「藝番賞」 中,也能藉由創作將這份驚喜帶給觀者。在展覽中將自身化作最好最棒的逸品,於呈現的同時,等待觀者們激發與作品對話的多種可能。現在我們將成為「藝番賞」中的獎品,旋身跳入,於籤筒中碰撞並躍出。

“ICHIBAN KUJI” is a borrowed phrase from Japanese, which means “the best raffle”. It was a new series of promotions released by a Japanese anime figure manufacturer. Adding assured prizes to each ticket, it shares the general ideas of a raffle as usual.

Its divergent stories from various characters have not only built our collective childhood memories but provided our crucial creative experiences with joyful and colorful inspirations and curiosities. Despite its heroes or villains – even some mascot or other supporting roles in “ICHIBAN KUJI”, all their related depictions could meet with our different satisfaction. Hunting for indefinite results might give us a taste of mixed feelings as we had experienced the struggle searching for the unknown. Winning prizes was never the only purpose of ICHIBAN KUJI; It could also be an approach to convey our common message for healing hearts and social connection with one another.

Our creative works thus could bring visitors with wonder and they represent ourselves as best prizes in the exhibition. Meanwhile, we are looking forward to fruitful possibility of visitors finding resonance with our works. Now, as ourselves being tickets of “ICHIBAN KUJI, the version of art”, let us join a bumpy ride inside the raffle box to be drawn lots for you !